Sunday 1 January 2012

Tip 37 - New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year to all and all the best for 2012.

But remember the New Year is not just a time for personal resolutions its a great time to get your business in shape. Take sometime to think of how you can do better in 2012, and remember how ever good or bad 2011 was for your business, dont think that 2012 has to or will be the same.

So when you are making your list for yourself of New Years resolutions, make another list of resolutions for your business, and why not use 2012 to not only get yourself in shape but you business as well.


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Wednesday 28 December 2011

Tip 36 - Blogging

As you are already reading this you know what a blog is, and although the term blogging has changed dramatically over the years, from just being someones account of what they are doing to more like a news feed on any particular subject.

So if you dont already have a blog you should start one, just write about what you know and if interesting enough people will share it. There are two main points to writing your blog theses are

  1. To get exposure, the more your write the more change you have that people will see you as an expert in your field and hire you to do stuff for them.
  2. Get a bit extra cash, you can actually make money from your blogs, there are teh very simple advertising methods such as Google Adsense, Amazon, Clickbank to name but a few. But if you enjoy writing you can actually make money from writing about stuff on your blog, everything from toasters to tech, sites such as will let you write about other peoples products or services and you get paid for doing this. I was a bit wary at first but have just been paid for one of my reviews and know this site is genuine.
So get yourself onto or or and start you blog, and remember keep it up to date with interesting stuff and you will get more exposure and more people will know what you do, but remember keep it interesting, dont just blog about yourself

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Wednesday 30 November 2011

Tip 36 - Twitter

OK so you have all heard the news about Google+ and new changes to FaceBook, well this tip is to not forget about the huge success of Twitter and why you should use it.

First of it you have not already done so head over to Twitter and create your account, and start tweeting. Making sure you tweet about stuff that is not only interesting, but stuff that you are doing. Dont use Twitter as a place just to shout your link to your website, blog, facebook, google+ or whatever.

Each tweet should be about interesting stuff and try to incorporate hash tags by using the hash (#) symbol before words, for example your tweet could read "just started my new blog on #photography".

Keep your tweets short and interesting and you will get followers.

Also make sure you use lists, these help you group people into categories you understand, there are a couple of great places to start your twitter journey once you have created your id.
  1. - A great place to share your lists and find interesting people to follow
  2. - A directory of twitter users, just like the phone book only for twitter.
Once you start tweeting just keep it up, and make sure you pay attention to others who you follow, retweet interesting post, mention people in your posts by using the at (@) symbol, for example to mention me use @potissimus in your tweets.

Feel free to follow  my Twitter account and I will follow you back.

@Potissimus -

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