Now ask yourself are you making the most out of this opportunity, probably not.
Getting started making emails work for you is really easy. Ask yourself the following questions
- Do you have an email signature
- Do you know the email address of people who contact you?
- Do you know who is visiting your website and what their email address is?
- Did that customer who jsut left your shop have an email address?
No it is most likely that you will not be fully making the best out of email.
So here is a simple list of what you need to do to get started.
- Put your website address and contact details in the signature of your email. This can easily be done using most email packages.
- Ask people for their email addresses, this may be as simple as collecting business cards at events
, or have asking for emails in your set welcome script for incoming calls.
- Make sure your website has an area for collecting emails, be warned that people usually don't give out details for nothing so give them a reason, a newsletter, recommending your website.
- If you operate in the real world try to build into your sales process
the collection of email addresses, this may be as people make a purchase or when they enter or leave your store. Again the same rule applies give people a reason to want to give you their email address, such as money off discounts, latest news.
Ok now that you have the email address, what do you do.
I will discuss what to do with email addresses in a later post. For now jsut make sure that you are collecting them, so when I let you know what to do with them you are ready.
Are you making the most out of your website. The answer will most definately be no. Ask for a FREE report now. Go to for more info.
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