Wednesday 27 July 2011

Tip 29 - FaceBook Business Pages vs Google+ Business Profile

As the new kid on the block Google+ is trying to evolve, and after its initial launch success and gaining over 2 million users worldwide, the Google+ team are about to launch the ability to have a business profile on Google+, as a present it is only possible to create personal profiles.

So in response to this FaceBook have launched FaceBook Business Pages, which in reality is a page detailing what you can do for your business on FaceBook, for an example of this please check out our FaceBook Business Page this puts FaceBook in direct competition with Google+ and its business profile intention.

So the question you may be asking yourself is which is better a FaceBook page or Google+ business profile, the answer in short is they both have their merits, but my advice is to stick with FaceBook if you really want to have a business page, as the Google+ offering is still in its initial stages and as FaceBook has most things working I would stick with that for now.


One thing they say is never mix business with pleasure, and never is that more true than in the social media world. So what I would suggest for the ideal solution is to use different social networking sites for different identities, although having a business profile on FaceBook or Google+ is not a bad thing, I would suggest using sites such as LinkedIn in order to keep your business world away from your personal world. After all do you really think that your next customer really wants to see your holiday snaps, or that you pals care about what your company does.

So in short, use FaceBook and Google+ for non business and use dedicated business sites like LinkedIn for business.

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Simon Malcolm said...

Hi Sean,

They are some wise words – I guess the temptation is to go with the 'new' thing, however, sticking to a strategy will always avoid costly distractions.

It will be interesting to see how Google+ develops in response to how it is received.

Have a great week,

Simon Malcolm,

Sean J Connolly said...


I could not agree more, jumping on the new band-wagon is not always the smartest thing to do.

Be good to see what comes of Google+.

Take care