Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Tip 17 - Multi Platform

Although the web is an open borders platform, and anyone regardless of platform can use it. You must remember to test your website on all web browsers, and all browsers running on all available platforms.

Remember, Internet Explorer is not the same on a PC as a Mac, neither is Safari.

So in short with new browsers being brought out almost every week keep on top of your testing, simple rule all browsers, all platforms, all the time.

Are you making the most out of your website. The answer will most definately be no. Ask for a FREE report now. Go to www.potissimus.co.uk for more info.

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Tip 16 - Search Engines

There are lots of different things to remember when it comes to search engines, and in particular your listing in the search engines. At the time of writing this there are 3 main players in the the search engine field.

  1. Google
  2. Live / Bing (used to be msn)
  3. Yahoo
There are lots of different ways to get higher listing in the search engines, but the main things to look at are.
  1. Your website text or copy, make sure it contain the words and phases you want to be found on the search engines for. Make sure not to over do it, try to write your website for your visitors and not solely to get higher ranking on the search engines.
  2. Don't over Google it, remember although Google is currently the big boy in the world, it is not the most visited, as that honour currently goes to Yahoo, so remember to get involved in the activities of all the engines. Such as groups, listing, directories, etc.
  3. Get external links, this one is not as easy as it sounds as one things the engines look for is the importance of the site linking to you. So try to get better quality sites linking to you, rather than lots of lesser sites linking to you.
  4. In terms of Google, your Page Rank will play a small part in your ranking. This is simply the importance that Google places on your site, as a score out of 10. Try to get links from sites with a higher Page Rank, rather than lots of sites with low Page Rank.
One final word is simply that you get nothing for nothing, so put the work in and you will get the rewards. Participate in the web and your will build your visitors. Just remember that the people you want visiting your site should be quality over quantity, as visitors do not pay your bills, customers do.

Are you making the most out of your website. The answer will most definately be no. Ask for a FREE report now. Go to www.potissimus.co.uk for more info.

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Tip 15 - Stay in your Comfort Zone

When you are coding your website try to stay within your area of expertise, and if you are not comfortable with certain areas, get someone who is.

This goes for the website content, try to target your website to your audience, do not try to be all things to all people. For example if you are a web designer only mention the code your actually know, dont be tempted to cover all industry topics.

Think of it this way being head in a niche market is better than being at the back in the market. Remember being an expert in your field is a good thing, you need to build this from somewhere without trying to have all your fingers in all the pies.

Are you making the most out of your website. The answer will most definately be no. Ask for a FREE report now. Go to www.potissimus.co.uk for more info.

Thursday, 22 May 2008

Tip 14 - AIDA - Attention Interest Desire Action

This one goes back to the good old days of marketing and tasks a previous tip a bit further, that is the copy of the website. Not only do you need to thing about your copy of your website, but you also need to thing about what your copy does, and this comes back to a basic marketing acroynm, AIDA.

So what does AIDA stand for simply Attention Interest Desire Action.


Your first part of your website copy should be attention grabbing, this is a basic advertising ploy, think about most of the adverts you have seen or read, they have one thing in common they grab your interest. This is not to sell you anything ust draw you to read more.

Lines such as 50% OFF, FREE, Unlimited will all grab people to read more.


Ok, so now you have peoples attention you need to take this to the next level, this is simply expanding further on your message, and informing people of what you have to offer, and why it should be of interest to them. Remember this section is to gain interest and not sell, so explain your FEATURES here, what is your product or service about.


Now we move on to the next step and once we have given people a basic understanding of our product or service, we need to sell it to them. This is where we we move on to the BENEFITS or your product or services, that is what is it about your offering that can help people.


The home run, people have been drawn in by your opening line, told a bit about your product and told why it will help them. Now its time to go in for the final sale, and provide a call to action.

A Call to Action can be anything from getting someones email address, to getting a sales. Just remember that what is an action for one website does not have to be yours. For example you may be wanting to give people something, so getting emails or downloads is your call to action, if you are selling getting sales is the action.

Try to identify what you want the action to be and be clear on how people can do it.

Are you making the most out of your website. The answer will most definately be no. Ask for a FREE report now. Go to http://potissimus.co.uk for more info.

Monday, 19 May 2008

Tip 13 - Dont Over Do It

As I look more and more over this world wide web thing, it is becoming more important that the design of your website is not as important as it once was.

This is not to say that design is not important, but functionalityof the design is becoming more important that having flashy graphics, such as movement and such. This has really become true if you take my home page potissimus.co.uk the design has been changed to be more fluid and simple. This as you will know moves it away from the flash header and makes the site more appealing.

So in short, spend time on your website layout and design, and keep to the fact that your website is for your visitors and not you. So cut down on the unnecessary flashy graphics, sounds or anything else. Try to Keep to the saying KISS 'keep it simple stupid'.

Are you making the most out of your website. The answer will most definately be no. Ask for a FREE report now. Go to www.potissimus.co.uk for more info.

Monday, 12 May 2008

Tip 12 - Copy

The copy of your website is simply the words you use to express yourself to the world.

Its a well known fact that 'copy sells', after all if I say 'I'm Lovin It' or 'Just Do It' you instantly know which brands these slogans are for. Mcdonalds and Nike if you didn't know.

People will buy from your website if the copy of your website is appealling, this also goes for your ranking in the search engines, as search engines only rank on the copy of your website. Having a nice looking website is great for the end user, but if it does not sell your services or product to them its no good.

Features vs Benefits

Its back to that old expression features over benefit.

Features - the features of your service are what attributes it has, such as power steering, multiple RSS feeds. In other words what makes up your product or service.

Benefits - the benefits of your service are what people would gain from using your service, such as how what you do can solve a problem for people, such as getting a website to number 1 in search engines.

So try to write your website copy with a more benefit orientation in mind, let people know what you can do for them, not how you will do it. If you get a builder to build you a house, do you really care how they do it, NO, you care about the end result.

Ask youself a simple question - does my website inform my visitors what I can do for them and why they would benefit from using my service?

If you are not sure how to write your copy, pay a professional. For the small charge of professional copy it can turn your website around.

Are you making the most out of your website. The answer will most definately be no. Ask for a FREE report now. Go to www.potissimus.co.uk for more info.

Sunday, 4 May 2008

Tip 11 - Use Audio and Video

Now you have a website why not make it stand out from the rest by enhancing your presence with audio or video on your website.

Have you noticed how much easier it is to say something than to write it down, and like most people youe can most probably talk alot quicker than you type.

So put some audio on your website, or if you are feeling really flash put a video on your website. After all we have all heard of the popular video websites, so why not take advantage of this to help your website.

Not sure what to say:
  • Annouce your latest project or news items
  • Annouce a product launch
  • Ask for testimonials and record them
  • Say what you are about and how you can help

Put simply put what ever message your website is trying to say, into words and record it.

For Examples of what can be done

Download ITunes Free Here

If you need assistance putting audio or video on your website, just give me a ring or drop me an emial and I can help you take you website to the next level.

Are you making the most out of your website. The answer will most definately be no. Ask for a FREE report now. Go to www.potissimus.co.uk for more info.

Monday, 28 April 2008

Tip 10 - What is your website for

There are millions of reasons why people have websites, try to decide why you have your website, and make sure your website reflects that. Its too easy to get carried aware by your designer, with flashy graphics and sounds. But is that really right for your website?

Ok so now you have your website up and running. You have spend weeks, days and hours trying to make it look and feel exactly how you want.

Thats Great. But its not enough

Now you have a live website, go and take a look at it. Make a point to actually read the text or copy of your website. Is it clear what your website is about and whats its purpose.

In short Get clear on why you have a website!

  • If the purpose is to describe your business. DO IT.
  • If the purpose of your website is to sell. DOES IT SAYS WHATS FOR SALE
  • If the purpose of your website is to inform people. INFORM THEM

Click Here

Are you making the most out of your website. The answer will most definately be no. Ask for a FREE report now. Go to http://potissimus.co.uk for more info.

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Tip 9 - 3 Clicks and Your Out

When people visit your website they do not want to spend all day getting the information they want. So try to keep your website navigation to around 3 clicks.

Put simply your visitor should be able to get anywhere in your website within 3 clicks.

For Example

  1. User Arrvives on home page
  2. User CLICKS to see product page
  3. User CLICKS to see full product information

In this scenario the use has only clicked twice to get to where they want to be. We can now start the journey all over again from where the users is.

Try to think of each set of click as just that, a journey, so when a user is interested in a product split the clicks into journeys.

  1. First journey to find the product information
  2. Second journey to buy the product.

So keep each journey to 3 clicks or less and your visitors will thank you.

Are you making the most out of your website. The answer will most definately be no. Ask for a FREE report now. Go to http://www.potissimus.co.uk/ for more info.

Thursday, 17 April 2008

Tip 8 - If you can't do it get someone who can

If you are in the business of selling cars, you don't need to get too worried about the technicalities of building your website. You jsut need to be good at your core business.

So if you are getting to the point with your website where things are taking too long to do, or you are having problems doing it.

Get someone who can. The cost of paying a professional to do your website, will be more than made up in terms of your core business. Just remember you always get a plumber in to fix your plumbing, so why not get a professional in t do your website.

Are you making the most out of your website. The answer will most definately be no. Ask for a FREE report now. Go to www.potissimus.co.uk for more info.

Monday, 14 April 2008

Tip 7 - Email Marketing

There are millions of emails sent each and everyday, and on average most businesses send a few hundred emails everyday.

Now ask yourself are you making the most out of this opportunity, probably not.

Getting started making emails work for you is really easy. Ask yourself the following questions

  1. Do you have an email signature?
  2. Do you know the email address of people who contact you?
  3. Do you know who is visiting your website and what their email address is?
  4. Did that customer who jsut left your shop have an email address?

No it is most likely that you will not be fully making the best out of email.

So here is a simple list of what you need to do to get started.

  1. Put your website address and contact details in the signature of your email. This can easily be done using most email packages.
  2. Ask people for their email addresses, this may be as simple as collecting business cards at events, or have asking for emails in your set welcome script for incoming calls.
  3. Make sure your website has an area for collecting emails, be warned that people usually don't give out details for nothing so give them a reason, a newsletter, recommending your website.
  4. If you operate in the real world try to build into your sales process the collection of email addresses, this may be as people make a purchase or when they enter or leave your store. Again the same rule applies give people a reason to want to give you their email address, such as money off discounts, latest news.

Ok now that you have the email address, what do you do.


I will discuss what to do with email addresses in a later post. For now jsut make sure that you are collecting them, so when I let you know what to do with them you are ready.

Are you making the most out of your website. The answer will most definately be no. Ask for a FREE report now. Go to www.potissimus.co.uk for more info.

Monday, 7 April 2008

Tip 6 - Use Web 2.0

The first question is what is Web 2.0. sounds weird I know, but in short it is any website that allow some kind of interaction, whether its blogging, writing a review, or any other interaction.

That in short is WEB 2.0.

Now how can it help you?

Simple. Just go to the vast array of websites out there for viral and social marketing, such as writing your own blog on websites such as
Blogger, Word Press, or create a profile on site such as facebook, My Space, Live Spaces.

Once your are there create your profile and get networking, add friends, write articles, or what ever your feel like.

The main rule is simple, nothing in life is free, in order for this to work for you. you must keep your posts up to date, and use the services regularly.

Are you making the most out of your website. The answer will most definately be no. Ask for a FREE report now. Go to www.potissimus.co.uk for more info.

Tip 5 - Use Online Promotion

Be sure to make proper use of online schemes, such as Google Adwords, or Live/Yahoo.

There is one word of warning, well two really

1 - Set A Budget - It is too easy to use these scheme and allow the costs to spiral. Make sure that
you make use of the budgeting tools provided, to stop you paying more than you wish.

Click Here

2 - Tailor you Campaign - This may sound straight forward, but more too often people will not pick keywords that are targeted, for example use the word Ford cars sales rather than car sales, this will give you a better return on your investment (ROI) and help turn a click into a sales, without your money sailing away.

Are you making the most out of your website. The answer will most definately be no. Ask for a FREE report now. Go to www.potissimus.co.uk for more info.

Tip 4 - Use your friends and others

Click Here

There is no better way to promote your website than word of mouth. Whether this is simply your friends telling each other about it, or by actually putting a recommend a friend link on your site, to allow people to recommend you website to their friends, its all good. And in marketing speak, this is known as viral marketing.

Sounds scary but in reality all it means is letting people know, whether you are chatting to someone in the street, or down the pub.

Are you making the most out of your website. The answer will most definately be no. Ask for a FREE report now. Go to http://www.potissimus.co.uk/ for more info.

Tip 3 - Advertise Your Website Offline

After all your business works in the real world, and most websites owners don't think to promote their website offline.

Offline Advertising

1. Advertise in your local press
2. Put a advert in a relevant magazine
3. Get a Billboard (these can start from as little as £80 per week)
4. Put your website address on all business stationery
5. Put your website address on the back of your car, or get car stickers made.

Are you making the most out of your website. The answer will most definately be no. Ask for a FREE report now. Go to http://www.potissimus.co.uk/ for more info.

Tip 2 - Advertise Your Website Online

You must advertise your website. This may sound silly but most people think the web is a magical place to be, and once your site in up and running, you will get visitors.

This just is not the case.

1. Register you site with the search engines (this means following tip 1 is essential as all search engines love correctly coded website)
2. Exchange Links with friends and colleagues (this will increase visitors but not necessarily your seach engine ranking)
3. Put a footer on your email with you website address in it

4. Put the name about, place such as message boards, blogs, etc.
5. Do some online banner advertising, create a banner for you site and put it up on other people, or use online techniques use as Google Adwords, Overture Keywords, these are most commonly known a Pay Per Click advertising

6. Join Social networking sites, such as apsense, squidoo

Are you making the most out of your website. The answer will most definately be no. Ask for a FREE report now. Go to http://www.potissimus.co.uk/ for more info.

Tip 1 - Correctly Code Your website

It is essential that the code you use on your website follows W3C guidelines.
It does not always have to validate, but it should be as close to what they recommend as possible this will allow you to reach out to the vast marketplace, not to mention getting a better rating on the search engines.

As today the main browser are Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, FireFox, with others such as Mozilla not far behind. Valid coding means your site will look as you want it on all machines.

A good place to start is the W3C website.

Are you making the most out of your website. The answer will most definately be no. Ask for a FREE report now. Go to www.potissimus.co.uk for more info.